Edit Frame Dialog

This dialog is opened when you double-click on a frame or click on the "Edit frame" link in the "Edit cursor frames" page.

The "Edit selected frame" dialog contains a lot of options; each one is explained below.

ยป First of all be sure to read this topic: What is an animated cursor?
We explain the role of the color & mask bitmaps to generate transparency for animated cursors.
  • Frame Timing: indicates the timing of the selected frame in jiffies (1/60th of a second~16,6 ms). You can enter a new value in this field (must be greater or equal to 1).
  • Edit Image: AniTuner does not feature its own image editor, and therefore you need to use your own favorite image editor. Clicking on this button leads AniTuner to save the frame as a temporary bitmap (or PNG) file and then launch the image editor specified in the Program Options.
    1. Normally your image editor automatically opens the temporary bitmap file and you can then modify it.
    2. After that, save your changes back to the file and return to AniTuner.
    3. Answer Yes so that AniTuner opens the temporary bitmap file with changes and changes the frame. The temporary bitmap file is then deleted.
  • Copy: this will copy the frame to the clipboard, you can then paste it in an image editor.
  • Paste: if the clipboard contains bitmap compatible data, the frame image will be replaced by the bitmap from the clipboard.
  • Refresh: refreshes the current preview.
  • Import: this lets you import an existing image file and replace the frame image with it. More information available here.
  • Export: this will export the selected frame to an external image file. More information available here.

Transparent Color: the transparent color is used to represent the regions that appear as transparent in the animated cursor. When creating the animated cursor's frames, AniTuner generates a mask and uses this transparent color to determine the parts of the image that need to be masked (i.e. transparent).

Special description for 32-bit cursors:

Animated cursors which are in 32-bit color format contain an alpha channel.  The alpha channel works like a mask as it specifies how the pixel's colors should be merged with another pixel when the two are overlaid, one on top of the other.

AniTuner handles alpha channels completely and has special functions to support them. When you edit a frame of a 32-bit animated cursor, AniTuner can include the alpha channel bitmap juxtaposed with the color bitmap as you can see below:

So you can edit the alpha channel too in your image editor. To include the alpha channel, enable the "Include alpha channel when doing operations" option. In this case it will be included when you press "Edit Image", "Copy" or "Export". Otherwise the alpha channel will be destroyed and you will leave partial transparency information.